Providing a Catholic Foundation and Educational Excellence Since 1925
“The advancement of the Gospel mission of Catholic education is the best reason for athletic programs. Athletic programs that successfully integrate the Gospel message into athletics produce individuals who are faith-filled, have respect for others, value human life, and are willing to sacrifice for those in need.” (Athletics and the Gospel Mission of the Catholic School by Rev. Richard McGrath, OSA, PhD.)
Organized boys’ and girls’ basketball and girls’ volleyball are offered to St. Mary’s students. Our athletic director coordinates the program, which is implemented with the help of volunteers. Students in grades 2nd—6th are generally eligible to participate.
Our 7th and 8th-grade volleyball & basketball programs are combined with the Breckenridge Public School. Registration for junior high athletic and other extracurricular activities is through the public school. The athletic fee at this time is $50/per sport, payable to Breckenridge Public School, and will not count toward the BHS individual or family maximum user fee limit. Non-public, out-of-state students can participate in Breckenridge Junior High extracurricular activities for $300/per activity. In addition, hockey, gymnastics, swimming, wrestling, and girl’s tennis are offered through an 16 agreement with the Wahpeton Public Schools for $500/per activity.